Top "Lacrimas" Songs
"Lacrimas" top 50 Songs
- 1. Again It's Over
- 2. To Love Her on Knees
- 3. My Release In Pain
- 4. Ave End
- 5. My Velvet Little Darkness
- 6. Sweet Caroline
- 7. The Fate of Equilibrium
- 8. No Dear Hearts
- 9. A Pearl
- 10. Amber Girl
- 11. Filthy Notes
- 12. Gallowsong
- 13. Sad Theme for a Marriage
- 14. Short Glance
- 15. Supreme Surrender
- 16. Melantroduction
- 17. Adorer and Somebody
- 18. My Mescaline
- 19. without
- 20. Should
- 21. Not to Stay
- 22. Sarah Lou
- 23. Father of fate
- 24. Helplessness
- 25. Black Swans
- 26. An Irresistible Fault
- 27. Solicitude, Silence
- 28. To watch her while she wipes her eyes
- 29. And God's Ocean
- 30. To Bleed or Not to Be
- 31. One Hope's Evening
- 32. Infinity
- 33. For Bad Times
- 34. The Crown of Leaving
- 35. Morning... Grey
- 36. Antiadore
- 37. Diotima
- 38. I Did It for You
- 39. Lastdance
- 40. A Summer's End
- 41. Reminiscence
- 42. Astronautumn
- 43. Testified
- 44. Black
- 45. The Letter
- 46. Evade
- 47. Come, Solitude
- 48. Re-silence
- 49. Be Mine in Tears
- 50. 2 Sec. and a Tear