Top "Volker" Songs
"Volker" top 50 Songs
- 1. Today was a good day.
- 2. Black Sunday
- 4. Obey!
- 5. Freaky Bride
- 6. i'm god's lonely man..
- 7. Negative Waves
- 8. Suicide Love Addict
- 9. Voodoo Baby
- 10. Yell
- 11. It summons me to follow
- 12. The Ranger
- 13. Raven
- 14. *****
- 15. Men only have two moods.
- 16. Dying of the Light (Intro)
- 17. Elia
- 18. Samhain
- 19. I Am the Way
- 20. In Black and White
- 21. Zombie Strippers
- 22. Mein Lieber Metzgermeister
- 23. Banners
- 24. Fimbul Winter
- 25. Interstellar
- 26. Bloody and the Beast
- 27. Rock with the Bogeyman
- 28. Would You Play with Me'
- 29. Transgenic Love
- 30. Pavor Nocturnus
- 31. Surfin' Werewolf
- 32. Necromantik
- 33. Zombie Heart
- 34. Maria Magdalena
- 35. It's all about me.
- 36. Joliet
- 37. Elvria
- 38. Run! Run!
- 39. Dressed in Black for Your Birthday
- 40. Would you play with me
- 41. Freky Bride
- 42. Spilman
- 43. 375 405
- 44. Dragonborn
- 45. In Black & White
- 46. Ruins of Remorse
- 47. Free to Fall
- 48. We are good fellas.
- 49. Ballad of the Brave
- 50. Harp of the North